Delivering Quality Right of Way Services for clients who demand Expertise for a smoother construction phase.

DBE certification in California, Virginia, Tennessee, Texas, and Maryland
California Certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE)


HL Consulting, with more than 80 years of experience in the right-of-way field, can share their expertise by consulting to both public and private entities. It was created to honor the fiduciary duty that exists between any entity who has the ability of Eminent Domain and a property owner. An understanding of both the Federal and State Eminent Domain requirements enables infrastructure projects that require right of way to be completed in a smooth, timely fashion, fully complying with all law and regulations. The earlier we are brought on the less issues will come up during construction. HL Consulting brings leadership abilities, transportation and real estate knowledge, project management skills, expertise in public administration, workforce development, capital and support budgets that can be applied to both small and large complex transportation, and water and private projects. HL Consulting has management and employees who share a passion for working in a direct and honest manner with state agencies, public entities, public figures and private owners. HL Consulting understands project management and is proficient at implementing project management tools and philosophies essential to today’s public and private work arena.

HL Consulting is unique with a complete understanding of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). All right of way services will be provided in accordance the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.), and implementing regulation, 49 CFR Part 24; California eminent domain law; the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) rules and regulations; Caltrans Right of Way Manual, and County processes and procedures as required. HL Consulting can provide appraisals and appraisal reviews following the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) through independent contractors available in the local areas when needed.
Both owners and key employees have experience at the State and Federal level, including the Department of Transportation, California High-Speed Rail Authority, California Military Department, State of Hawaii Department of Transportation, Local Entities and private owners, in addition all employees have worked for a variety of private Right of Way firms and Engineering firms, allowing the company to work smoothly with all governing authorities.
HL Consulting has an established relationship with most Caltrans Districts and Headquarters and will bring that expertise to projects to accelerate and ensure Right of Way delivery meets local agency delivery compliance with state and federal requirements when Federal, State or local funds are used for projects.

Services offered include the following Right of Way functions:
Project Management: Project Management emphasizes planning, monitoring, and managing project delivery activities and resources through task management to deliver the right project, at the right time, within budget, and with the quality promised. Project Management emphasizes communication in a team-based environment. This includes the project manager, company team members and the client together with any Federal, State, Local partners and private companies to deliver the project.
Appraisal: Appraise and purchase property rights required for private, public agencies, and transportation purposes; effect the orderly relocation of displaced people, personality, businesses, and utility facilities; and provide contractor oversight when clearing properties prior to construction as part of project delivery.
Management: Comprehensively manage real property and dispose of property no longer needed for operational purposes.
Maintain a stewardship role in the expenditure of federal, state, local or private funds both capital and support budgets.


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.